The Powermix Popular range is probably best suited for floor feeding or into low feed troughs. if high feeding is required the Powermix Express with a elevating conveyor or a Powermix Plus would be recommended as a height of 5’5″ can be reached.

A 9m3 powermix Mixer Wagon can be driven with a 70 hp tractor.

Yes, the low loader Powermix Feeder Wagon has a loading height starting at 2.1m

You can find your local dealer by using our dealer search here or we can put you in touch with a dealer by contacting us here

Yes, there are a number of different scale options that allow you to store rations as well as download data between the office PC and mixer scale

Yes, The powermix Mixer Feeder can be supplied with an independent power pack to run the diet computer and can be hitched up and started once your ingredients have been loaded.

Yes the Powermix Mixer Feeder has a sealed tub that allows water to be added to dry ingredients and high levels of liquid feeds to added to mixes.

Yes the powermix Feeder Wagon will take whole big bales of hay, straw and silage and chop them down to produce a mix.
